SerialPort sp;

// here we read the serial port from arduino board

int getInput() {

    if (arduino == true)


        if (sp.IsOpen == false)



            string myInputString;



                myInputString = sp.ReadLine();

                sp.Write("OK");      // confirmation


            catch (System.TimeoutException ex)


                // error




    return 0;


void MoveObject(int Direction)


    if (Direction == 49)


        if (steering < maxSteeringAngle)

            steering += 5;


    else if (Direction == 50)


        if (steering > -maxSteeringAngle)

            steering -= 5;


    else if (Direction == 51)


        if (motor < maxMotorTorque)

            motor += 100;


    else if (Direction == 52)


        if (motor > -maxMotorTorque)

            motor -= 100;


    else if (Direction == 48)


        motor = 0;

        steering = 0;


    // go ahead with the car

    carControl(motor, steering);       


void FixedUpdate()



    if (start == true)


        if (arduino == true)


            if (sp.IsOpen == false)



                int myByte;



                    myByte = sp.ReadByte();


                    // confirmation



                catch (System.TimeoutException ex)


                    // error






            motor = maxMotorTorque * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

            steering = maxSteeringAngle * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

            carControl(motor, steering);




void Start()


    start = false;

    axleInfos = new AxleInfo[2];

    motor = 0.0f;

    steering = 0.0f;

    speed = 5.0f;

    // front axis

    WheelCollider wheelFL = GameObject.Find("physicsFL").GetComponentInChildren<WheelCollider>();

    WheelCollider wheelFR = GameObject.Find("physicsFR").GetComponentInChildren<WheelCollider>();

    bool front_motor = false;

    bool front_steering = true;

    axleInfos[0] = new AxleInfo(wheelFL, wheelFR, front_motor, front_steering);

    // rear axis

    WheelCollider wheelRL = GameObject.Find("physicsRL").GetComponentInChildren<WheelCollider>();

    WheelCollider wheelRR = GameObject.Find("physicsRR").GetComponentInChildren<WheelCollider>();

    axleInfos[1] = new AxleInfo(wheelRL, wheelRR);

    // check the control

    string myControl = ControlGroupScript.myControl;

    if (myControl.Equals("arduino"))


        // car controlled by arduino board

        arduino = true;

        // change the COM port if needed (mmc devmgmt.msc)

        sp = new SerialPort("COM3", 19200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);


        sp.ReadTimeout = 5;


    else if (myControl.Equals("keyboard"))


        // car controlled by keyboard

        arduino = false;

