#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# errors should be returned as ORA-xxxxx instead of description
# because spaces in returned strings destroy arrays
# a new function added for testing purposes: prepare_GUIResp2
# the function prepare_GUIResp() gives two values in return for galvanic gold (No-Both)
# thickness of pcb taken now from field #15 RXPLADETYKKELSE
use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
use DBI;
require Tk::Dialog;
my $XALsid = 'xalora';
my $XALhost = 'oracledb.pridana.local';
my $XALport = 1521;
my $XALuser = 'XALuser';
my $XALpass = 'XALpassword';
my $connXAL = "dbi:Oracle:HOST = $XALhost; SID = $XALsid; port = $XALport";
my $XALOrderNr; # global
my $myFilename = 'v:/sys/dokumenter/kundeliste.txt';
#message box (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby/ruby_tk_messagebox.htm)
sub showMessageBox {
my $myTitle = shift;
my $myText = shift;
my $mw = new MainWindow;
my $reponse_messageBox = $mw->messageBox(
-title => $myTitle,
-message => $myText,
-type => 'Ok',
-icon => 'info'
# function returns a name of customer by its 3-digits-number;
# if nothing found then the value will be a 'not_found' string
sub getPFACustomer {
my $myFilename = shift;
my $myCustNumber = shift;
my $mySubCustNumber = substr( $myCustNumber, 0, 3 );
open( my $myINPUTFILE, "$myFilename" ) or return 'IO_error';
my @data = <$myINPUTFILE>;
close $myINPUTFILE;
# create a hash table from the txt file
my %pridanaCust;
my @myKeyValue, my $myKey, my $myValue, my $myLine;
foreach $myLine (@data) {
$myKey = $myLine;
$myKey =~ s/[^.{0-9}]//g; # extract leading digits
$myValue = $myLine;
$myValue =~ s/([0-9]_*)//g; # remove leading digits
$pridanaCust{$myKey} = $myValue;
my @custKeys = keys %pridanaCust;
my @custValues = values %pridanaCust;
$myValue = 'not_found';
my $i;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#custKeys ; $i++ ) {
if ( $mySubCustNumber =~ m/$custKeys[$i]/ ) {
$myValue = $custValues[$i];
# showMessageBox('getPFACustomer()', $myValue);
return $myValue;
#showMessageBox('getPFACustomer()', $myValue);
return $myValue;
# internal function called from readXAL_getRaapladeName()
# the parameter is a string as varenavn from lagerkart
# if material not found then the result is empty
sub getMaterialName {
my $myType = shift;
# definition of a hash-table of material (the key must be unique)
my %XALmaterial = (
'AT01' => 'FR4',
'AT97' => 'FR4',
'PI2' => 'FR4',
'FR4' => 'FR4',
'IS410' => 'HighTG',
'IS420' => 'HighTG',
'PCL370' => 'HighTG',
'PCL 370' => 'HighTG',
'4450' => 'Rogers',
'Rogers' => 'Rogers',
'DE104' => '104i',
'Arlon85N' => '85n',
'Arlon85NT' => '85nt',
'IS400' => 'IS400',
'PTFE' => 'Teflon',
'Teflon' => 'Teflon'
my @myKeys = keys %XALmaterial;
my @myValues = values %XALmaterial;
my $i;
my $myMaterialName = '';
# find the name for the used material, when not found then name will be a FR4
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#myKeys ; $i++ ) {
if ( $myType =~ m/$myKeys[$i]/ ) {
$myMaterialName = $myValues[$i];
#showMessageBox( "getMaterialName()", $myMaterialName );
return $myMaterialName;
# returns index number for kind of core-material used for specified build-up
# the parameter is the buildup number
sub readXAL_getRaapladeName {
my $myBuildUp = shift;
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_getRaapladeName()', $DBI::errstr );
return '';
my $sth;
# check for double-sided board: myBuildUp starts with 'P'
if ( $myBuildUp =~ /^[P]/ ) {
$sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
else {
$sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT DISTINCT lk.varenummer, lk.varenavn
WHERE rpv.printtype = '$myBuildUp'
AND SUBSTR(lk.varenummer, 1, 2) IN ('PI')
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
my $lk_varenummer = $ref[0];
my $lk_varenavn = $ref[1];
# get type of material by its varenummer
my $myMatName = getMaterialName($lk_varenummer);
if ( $myMatName ne '' ) {
return $myMatName;
# if previous not found then get type of material by its varenavn
$myMatName = getMaterialName($lk_varenavn);
if ( $myMatName ne '' ) {
return $myMatName;
else {
# if nothing found then return a standard name
return 'FR4';
# moze ten material nalezaloby sprawdzac wg nazwy i wedlug numeru.
# gdy oba zgodne to ok a jak nie to standdard FR4
sub readXAL_getThickness {
my $myPrintType = shift;
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_getThickness()', $DBI::errstr );
return 0;
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
xal_supervisor.DD_RXPLADEVALG WHERE printtype = '$myPrintType')
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
return $ref[0];
sub readXAL_getKundeByVareNr {
my $XALVareNummer = shift;
if ( $XALVareNummer =~ /\./ ) {
$XALVareNummer =~ s/\.//g; # removes a dot from varenummer if necessary
$XALVareNummer =~ s/x/X/g; # replaces 'x' with 'X'
#showMessageBox( "readXAL_getKundeByVareNr()", $XALVareNummer );
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_getKundeByVareNr()', $DBI::errstr );
return 'not_found';
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT DISTINCT ordrenavn FROM xal_supervisor.ordrekart ok
WHERE ok.ordrenummer IN
(SELECT ordrenummer FROM xal_supervisor.ordrepost WHERE varenummer = '$XALVareNummer')
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
# if length is -1 then nothing found
if ( $#ref < 0 ) {
$ref[0] = 'not_found';
return $ref[0];
# the function returns the name of customer from the DB by the order number
sub readXAL_getKundeByOrderNr {
$XALOrderNr = shift;
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_getKundeByOrderNr()', $DBI::errstr );
return 'kucha';
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT ordrenavn FROM xal_supervisor.ordrekart WHERE ordrenummer = $XALOrderNr
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
return $ref[0];
# function returns 0 if varenummer does not exist in XALDB; otherwise is returns 1
# however if the user wants to create a job anyway, then it returns also 1 (see the dialog box)
sub readXAL_checkVareNummer {
my $XALVareNummer = shift;
if ( $XALVareNummer =~ /\./ ) {
$XALVareNummer =~ s/\.//g; # removes a dot from varenummer if necessary
$XALVareNummer =~ s/x/X/g; # replaces 'x' with 'X'
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_checkVareNummer()', $DBI::errstr );
return 'kucha';
# $XALVareNummer have to be without a dot!
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT Count(*) from XAL_SUPERVISOR.DD_printkart WHERE varenummer = '$XALVareNummer'
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
return $ref[0];
# function returns a varenummer (string) selected from XALDB by ordrenummer
# when nothing selected, then empty string is returned
sub readXAL_getVareNummer {
$XALOrderNr = shift;
if ( $XALOrderNr !~ /^[0-9,.E]+$/ ) {
return "";
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_getVareNummer()', $DBI::errstr );
return '';
# linienr should always be 1
# no colon in the end of statement!
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT varenummer FROM xal_supervisor.ordrepost WHERE ordrenummer = $XALOrderNr AND linienr = 1
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if ( $#ref < 0 ) {
return ""; # returns empty string if nothing has been read
else {
# inserts dot into varenummer
my $varenummer =
substr( $ref[0], 0, -4 ) . "\." . substr( $ref[0], -4 );
$varenummer =~ s/X/x/g; # replaces 'X' with 'x'
return $varenummer;
#function returns a row of values as a table of strings from XALDB selected by varenummer
sub readXAL_getPrintKart {
my $XALVareNummer = shift;
# removes a dot from the $XALVareNummer
if ( $XALVareNummer =~ /\./ ) {
$XALVareNummer =~ s/\.//g;
$XALVareNummer =~ s/x/X/g; # replaces 'x' with 'X'
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_getPrintKart()', $DBI::errstr );
return 0;
# $XALVareNummer shall be without a dot
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT * FROM xal_supervisor.dd_printkart WHERE varenummer = '$XALVareNummer'
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
my $varenummer = $ref[4];
# inserts dot into the varenummer
if ( $varenummer !~ m/\./ ) {
$varenummer = substr( $ref[4], 0, -4 ) . "\." . substr( $ref[4], -4 );
$ref[4] = $varenummer;
return @ref;
# this function returns a revisions-letter according to the number of existing jobs
sub getRevision {
my $XALVareNummer = shift;
# remove a dot from the $XALVareNummer
if ( $XALVareNummer =~ /\./ ) {
$XALVareNummer =~ s/\.//g;
$XALVareNummer =~ s/x/X/g; # replace a 'x' with 'X'
$XALVareNummer = substr( $XALVareNummer, 0, 8 ); # cut the yyww
my @myRevisionTab = (
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O'
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'getRevision()', $DBI::errstr );
return '';
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT Count(*) FROM XAL_SUPERVISOR.DD_printkart WHERE SUBSTR(varenummer, 1, 8) IN ('$XALVareNummer')
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
my $myCount = $ref[0];
my $myRevision = $myRevisionTab[$myCount];
return $myRevisionTab[ $myCount - 1 ];
# the function returns an index number according to surface type
# the input is a table of surfaces
# indexes in return maybe have to be adjusted..
sub getSurface {
my $surface_ref = shift;
my @surfaceArr = @{$surface_ref};
my $i = "";
# is surface unique?
my $mySurfaceSum = 0;
foreach $i (@surfaceArr) {
$mySurfaceSum += $i; # adds values from the passed table
#showMessageBox( "getSurface()", 'surface: ' . $mySurfaceSum );
if ( $mySurfaceSum > 1 ) {
showMessageBox( "getSurface()",
'surface is not unique: ' . $mySurfaceSum );
return 'Not_Set';
#my @mySurParams = ( $myHAL, $myKemNIAU, $myBlyfri_HAL, $myKemSN, $myKemAG );
if ( ( $surfaceArr[0] == 1 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[1] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[2] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[3] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[4] == 0 ) )
return 'HAL';
elsif (( $surfaceArr[0] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[1] == 1 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[2] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[3] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[4] == 0 ) )
return 'Kem.Guld';
elsif (( $surfaceArr[0] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[1] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[2] == 1 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[3] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[4] == 0 ) )
return 'Blyfri_HAL';
elsif (( $surfaceArr[0] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[1] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[2] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[3] == 1 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[4] == 0 ) )
return 'Kem.Tin';
elsif (( $surfaceArr[0] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[1] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[2] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[3] == 0 )
&& ( $surfaceArr[4] == 1 ) )
return 'Kem.Silver';
else {
#any other surface
return 'Not_Set';
sub prepare_GUIResp2 {
showMessageBox( "prepare_GUIResp2()", 'a kuku!' );
return -1;
# the function creates a txt-file with job-data from XALDB
# returns 0 if file created or -1 if something goes wrong
# the input parameter is the order number
sub prepare_GUIResp {
my $myInputNumber = shift;
my $myVarenummer = $myInputNumber;
my $XALOrderNr = '""';
my $KUNDE = '""';
# check for input value (is it a varenumber?)
if ( $myInputNumber =~ m/^[0-9]*[xX-][0-9,.]+$/ ) {
# inserts dot into varenummer
if ( $myInputNumber !~ /\./ ) {
$myVarenummer = substr( $myInputNumber, 0, -4 ) . "\."
. substr( $myInputNumber, -4 );
$myVarenummer =~ s/X/x/g; # replaces 'X' with 'x'
$myVarenummer =~ s/(X.*)//g; # get the first part of jobnumber
$KUNDE = getPFACustomer( $myFilename, $myVarenummer );
# check for input value (is it an ordernumber?)
elsif ( $myInputNumber =~ m/^[0-9]+$/ ) {
$XALOrderNr = $myInputNumber;
$myVarenummer = readXAL_getVareNummer($XALOrderNr);
$KUNDE = readXAL_getKundeByOrderNr($XALOrderNr);
$KUNDE =~ s/ /_/g; # replace space by underscore
# not an ordernumber nor a varenumber
else {
showMessageBox( "prepare_GUIResp()",
'Wrong number inserted: ' . $myInputNumber );
return -1;
my @myVNRDetails = readXAL_getPrintKart($myVarenummer);
my $kundetegningsnr = $myVNRDetails[5];
$kundetegningsnr =~ s/ /_/g; # replace any space by underscore
my $myHAL = $myVNRDetails[71];
my $myKemNIAU = $myVNRDetails[82];
my $myBlyfri_HAL = $myVNRDetails[143];
my $myKemSN = $myVNRDetails[144];
my $myKemAG = $myVNRDetails[145];
my @mySurParams = ( $myHAL, $myKemNIAU, $myBlyfri_HAL, $myKemSN, $myKemAG );
my $overflade = getSurface( \@mySurParams );
my $scoring = 'No';
if ( $myVNRDetails[99] != 0 ) {
$scoring = 'Yes';
my $rejfning = 'No';
if ( $myVNRDetails[101] != 0 ) {
$rejfning = 'Yes';
my $afrivelig = 'No';
if ( ( $myVNRDetails[92] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[97] =~ m/^[K]/ ) )
$afrivelig = 'Top';
elsif (( $myVNRDetails[92] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[97] =~ m/^[L]/ ) )
$afrivelig = 'Bottom';
elsif (
( $myVNRDetails[92] != 0 )
&& ( ( $myVNRDetails[97] =~ m/^[L\+K]/ )
|| ( $myVNRDetails[97] =~ m/^[K\+L]/ ) )
$afrivelig = 'Both';
my $plugged = 'No';
if ( ( $myVNRDetails[129] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[130] =~ m/^[K]/ ) )
$plugged = 'Top';
elsif (( $myVNRDetails[129] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[130] =~ m/^[L]/ ) )
$plugged = 'Bottom';
elsif (
( $myVNRDetails[129] != 0 )
&& ( ( $myVNRDetails[130] =~ m/^[L\+K]/ )
|| ( $myVNRDetails[130] =~ m/^[K\+L]/ ) )
$plugged = 'Both';
my $galguld = 'No';
if ( $myVNRDetails[85] != 0 ) {
$galguld = 'Both';
my $kul = 'No';
if ( ( $myVNRDetails[107] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[108] =~ m/^kul/ )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[110] =~ m/^[K]/ ) )
$kul = 'Top';
elsif (( $myVNRDetails[107] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[108] =~ m/^kul/ )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[110] =~ m/^[L]/ ) )
$kul = 'Bottom';
elsif (
( $myVNRDetails[107] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[108] =~ m/^kul/ )
&& ( ( $myVNRDetails[110] =~ m/^[L\+K]/ )
|| ( $myVNRDetails[110] =~ m/^[K\+L]/ ) )
$kul = 'Both';
my $keramisk = 'No';
if ( ( $myVNRDetails[107] != 0 ) && ( $myVNRDetails[108] =~ m/fill/ ) ) {
$keramisk = 'Viafill';
elsif (( $myVNRDetails[107] != 0 )
&& ( $myVNRDetails[108] =~ m/keramisk/ ) )
$keramisk = 'Keramisk';
elsif (
( $myVNRDetails[107] != 0 )
&& ( ( $myVNRDetails[108] =~ m/^L\+K/ )
|| ( $myVNRDetails[108] =~ m/^K\+L/ ) )
$keramisk = 'Both';
my $tykkelse = $myVNRDetails[15];
$tykkelse =~ s/,/\./g; # replace a comma by a dot
$tykkelse *= 1000;
my $myBuildUp = $myVNRDetails[77];
my $materiale = readXAL_getRaapladeName($myBuildUp);
# both variables to be adjusted
my $nitte_fix = 'No'; # 2 cases
my $klasse = 'Standard'; # 4 cases
my $revision = getRevision($myVarenummer);
my @data = ();
$data[0] =
'set Order_Nr = ' . $XALOrderNr . "\n"; # for end-of-line don't use a '\n'
# add a dot to the varenummer if it does'nt contain any
my $dotVareNummer;
if ( $myVarenummer !~ /\.+/ ) {
$dotVareNummer =
substr( $myVarenummer, 0, -4 ) . "\." . substr( $myVarenummer, -4 );
else {
$dotVareNummer = $myVarenummer;
$data[1] = 'set MANUF = ' . $dotVareNummer . "\n"; # now with a dot
$data[2] = 'set REVISION = ' . $revision . "\n";
$data[3] = 'set KUNDE = ' . $KUNDE . "\n";
$data[4] = 'set Tegn_Nr = ' . $kundetegningsnr . "\n";
$data[5] = 'set tykkelse = ' . $tykkelse . "\n";
$data[6] = 'set materiale = ' . $materiale . "\n";
$data[7] = 'set overflade = ' . $overflade . "\n";
$data[8] = 'set scoring = ' . $scoring . "\n";
$data[9] = 'set nitte_fix = ' . $nitte_fix . "\n";
$data[10] = 'set afrivelig = ' . $afrivelig . "\n";
$data[11] = 'set plugged = ' . $plugged . "\n";
$data[12] = 'set galguld = ' . $galguld . "\n";
$data[13] = 'set kul = ' . $kul . "\n";
$data[14] = 'set keramisk = ' . $keramisk . "\n";
$data[15] = 'set klasse = ' . $klasse . "\n";
# check if the length of each row in @data is always the same
# if it is different then a message box will be shown
my @myArrSplittedLine = ();
foreach my $myRow (@data) {
@myArrSplittedLine = split /[\s]/, $myRow; # split by space
if ( $#myArrSplittedLine != 3 ) {
showMessageBox( 'prepare_GUIResp()',
"Error in GUIResp: \n"
. "The length of row is: "
. $#myArrSplittedLine . "\n"
. $myRow );
return -1;
my $myFilename = $ENV{TMP} . '\gui_resp';
open( my $myOUTPUTFILE, ">", $myFilename )
|| return -1; # .txt -> .out
print $myOUTPUTFILE @data;
close $myOUTPUTFILE;
return @data;
sub xrayBeforeDrill {
my $XALVareNummer = shift;
if ( $XALVareNummer =~ /\./ ) {
$XALVareNummer =~ s/\.//g; # removes a dot from varenummer if necessary
$XALVareNummer =~ s/x/X/g; # replaces 'x' with 'X'
my $dbhXAL = DBI->connect(
$connXAL, $XALuser, $XALpass,
AutoCommit => 1, # 0 = false
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 1
if ( !$dbhXAL ) {
showMessageBox( 'readXAL_checkVareNummer()', $DBI::errstr );
return -1;
my $sth = $dbhXAL->prepare(
SELECT Count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM xal_supervisor.MPSRUTE
WHERE vareprodnr = '$XALVareNummer' AND operation = 'BOR OPSTIL')
$sth->execute() or return $DBI::errstr;
my @ref = $sth->fetchrow_array;
return $ref[0];
return 1;